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Water Supply Systems and Services


The Government of Nepal has envisioned achieving universal access to basic water supply to its citizens by 2017. This is in line with the human rights based approach which calls for access to basic water supply for all. RWSSP-WN II’s purpose was to ensure that access to safe, functional and inclusive water supply services for all is achieved and sustained in the project working Municipalities and Rural Municipalities. We expected to have at least 150,000 previously unserved people benefit from access to improved water supply - this was exceeded!

Access and Coverage

Water for all means that we will both reach those previously unreached, and that all water supply schemes will provide functional, improved and safe water supply services for all.

Multiple-Use of Water Systems
Step-By-Step Approach

Our step-by-step approach builds the capacity and experience of the Water Users and Sanitation Committees (WUSC) through learning-by-doing and specific training elements, and related step-wise monitoring. The WUSCs lead the entire process.

Water Safety Plans with O&M Plans

In water-scarce, previously unserved locations, the multiple-use nature water needs to be taken into account: water will be used for many purposes regardless of scarcity. This is an approach of its own right, linking into the importance of productive use and livelihoods development.

Post-Construction Support

Water safety is an important element of improved water supply services. Water safety is both about quality and quantity. We have integrated Operation and Maintenance (O&M) procedures as well as climate change & disaster risk reduction into this concept.

Post-construction phase activities at scheme, municipality and district level aim to ensure the sustainability of drinking water supply facilities in the future once RWSSP-WN has transitioned facility responsibilities to communities.



​Nepal-Finland Cooperation


Site updated 1.9.2022

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