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Photo: Public toilets benefit from business: it is of shop keepers interest to maintain the toilet in a good condition. The better the toilet, the better the business.

School, Public & Institutional Latrines


The achievement of open defecation free (ODF) zones is not possible unless schools are included and sanitation issues in critical public and institutional locations is addressed. Inadequate sanitation and toilet facilities in schools is still causing some female pupils to drop out of/be absent from school. Menstruation-based discrimination is still prevalent in some areas.

The design of toilets and taps must be gender and child friendly, as well as accessible to people with disabilities and elderly persons.

The relevant line agencies, such as education and health institutions, have the main responsibility over school and institutional sanitation. However, RWSSP-WN II supports water supply and sanitation facilities that serve institutions such as health posts, Municipality and police offices and schools. The project has targets set for school, institutional and public sanitation.

RWSSP-WN II works with a range of stakeholders to strengthen the coordination between institutions such as the Department of Education for school WASH and the Department of Health for water safety and other health issues. The Project also organizes various sanitation-related capacity building events at schools to facilitate the integration of safe and inclusive WASH practices.


​Nepal-Finland Cooperation


Site updated 1.9.2022

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