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RWSSP-WN Phase I Publications


Project Documents

Revised Project Document 2011

Project Document Original 2008

Phase I Inception Report 2009

RWSSP-WN Phase I Project Completion Report

RWSSP-WN Phase I Project Completion Report Synopsis


Progress reports

Annual Progress Report FY04 of FY 2068-069

Annual Progress Report FY03 of FY 2067-068

Annual Progress Report FY02 of FY 2066-067

Annual Progress Report FY01 of FY 2065-066


Evaluation Reports

Mid Term Review Evaluation Report 2011


Guidelines and Manuals

Lead TBC Facilitators Training Manual – English

TBC Triggers Training Manual – Nepali

Recharge Ponds Handbook for WASH Programme – English

Recharge Ponds Handbook for WASH Programme – Nepali

Water Safety Plan Handbook-English

Water Safety Plan Handbook-Nepali

Model District Arsenic Mitigation Strategy

Model District Media and Communication Strategy – English

Model District Media and Communication Strategy – Nepali

Model DWIG (District Wash Implementation Guideline)

Model DWIG Annexes (all annexes in one file)

Annex 1 – Checklist for GESI Integration in WASH

Annex 2 – MOU between DDC and DoLIDAR

Annex 3 – MOU between District WASH Stakeholders

Annex 4 – District WASH Structure

Annex 5 – Alignment of WASH Planning with NPC Format

Annex 6- VDC Application Form for WASH implementation

Annex 7 – VDC commitment letter

Annex 8 – VDC Selection

Annex 9 – MoU between DDC and VDC

Annex 10A – Baseline Survey format in Nepali

Annex 10 B – Social Mapping

Annex 10 C – Focus Group Discussion

Annex 10 D – Technical Assessment

Annex 11 – VDC Strategic WASH Plan Format

Annex 12 – VDC Annual WASH Plan

Annex 13 – District Strategic WASH Plan Format

Annex 14 – District Annual WASH Plan Format

Annex 15 – Radio message

Annex 16 – Communication and Media Strategy

Annex 17 – Technology Options

Annex 18 – Scheme Evaluation and Selection Criteria

Annex 19 – WUSC Constitution sample

Annex 20 – DWS-Action-Plan

Annex 21 – Quadruple Agreement

Annex 22 – Operation and Maintenance Management

Annex 23 – Check list for Public Audit and Hearing

Annex 24 – Notice to submit EOI for SPs

Annex 25 A – EOI Form for NGO-CBO

Annex 25 B -EOI format for Consulting Firms

Annex 26 A – SP Pre Qualification evaluation Criteria

Annex 26 B – Evaluation of SPs-Consulting Firm-pre-qualification

Annex 27 – Technical Proposal Submission Format for SP

Annex 28 – SP Technical Proposal evaluation Criteria

Annex 29 A – DDC VDC SP contract paper

Annex 29 B – Agreement with Individual Consultant or staff

Annex 30 – Norms for Staff salary and facilities



​Nepal-Finland Cooperation


Site updated 1.9.2022

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