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WASH Coordination Committees


WASH Coordination Committees are responsible for following the WASH status and implementation, monitoring WASH infrastructure and preparing WASH profiles and plans in their corresponding areas.


Until the beginning of Fiscal Year Five, RWSSP-WN II followed the performance of District WASH Coordination Committees (D-WASH-CC) and the Village Development Committees (VDC) WASH Coordination Committees (V-WASH-CC) in the Project working areas:


  • Number of VDCs practicing coordinated and inclusive planning through V-WASH-CC as per the V-WASH-CC Terms of Reference

  • Number of VDCs that have a V-WASH Plan that is used and periodically updated

  • Number of DDCs practicing coordinated and inclusive planning through D-WASH-CC as per the D-WASH-CC Terms of Reference.

  • Number of districts that have a D-WASH Plan that is used and periodically updated


The National Sanitation and Hygiene Master Plan (2011) presents the Terms of Reference for both. It is anticipated that in the Municipalities a corresponding body, Municipality WASH Coordination Committee (M-WASH-CC), will be established but the Terms of Reference of this body have not yet been developed.


Click here to read more on District Strategic WASH Plans and here for the VDC WASH Plans.




​Nepal-Finland Cooperation


Site updated 1.9.2022

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