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RWSSP-WN II has prepared a DSWASHP Guideline to support districts in preparation of the "2nd generation" DSWASHPs that pay attention to the data reliability. It includes recognition of best practices, lessons learned from the preparation of DSWASHPs during RWSSP-WN Phase I and participatory bottom-up planning approaches as envisioned by Local Self Governance Act 1999, and related regulations that created a solid foundation for developing this collaborative DSWASHP preparation approach.


It also brings in the lessons learned in preparing VDC level WASH plans in RWSSP-WN II project VDCs and as well the VDC Water Use Master Plans as practiced over the past years by Rural Village Water Resources Management project in Mid and Far Western Nepal. For more, see DSWASHP Guidelines.


To ensure district-wide coordinated and inclusive resource allocation, paying attention to the hardship VDCs, the D-WASH-CC should encourage all WASH sector stakeholders to utilize the DSWASHP when selecting VDCs and schemes for further action.


As of 2018, the Project is piloting a new approach in the Municipality WASH Plan. This is in between the V-WASH Plan and DSWASHP in terms of amount of detail: not as detailed as V-WASH Plan, but having more primary data and detail than DSWASHP.

District Strategic WASH Plans (DSWASHP)


The District Strategic WASH Plan (DSWASHP) is a strategic tool for the district. It used to guide the District Development Committee (DDC) in general and the District WASH Coordination Committee (D-WASH-CC) in particular in effective, equitable, efficient, balanced and sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene services at the local level.


While the DDCs have now been replaced by the District Coordination Committees (DCCs), the DSWASHP remains a valid planning tool, and the D-WASH-CCs could continue in their coordiantion fucntion.


The overall objective of DSWASHP is to develop an integrated WASH plan to guide in achieving sustainable development goals & access to universal  basic WASH facilities by 2017 in line with the spirit of the National Sanitation and Hygiene Master Plan 2011. DSWASHP is the foundation for the human rights based approach that declares the right of all citizens to water and sanitation. DSWASHP must have reliable data to guide the various stakeholders to address the needs of the unserved, unreached and hardship locations.


The objectives of DSWASHP are to:

  1. Align and harmonize WASH sector for effective coordination, collaboration and resource mobilization amongst local stakeholders

  2. Map and organize all available human and financial resources to be used effectively

  3. Prioritize the areas for support needs in WASH sector

  4. Develop strategies and plans for declaring Open Defecation Free (ODF) zone and/or Total Sanitation strategy of the district

  5. Promote transparency and accountability among duty bearers and create awareness among the  WASH users of the district

  6. Attract external funding for the effective implementation of DSWASHP

  7. Guide district project prioritization in annual planning process

  8. Institutionalize WASH planning and implementation to the DDC

  9. Build the DDC and VDC WASH sector capacity

  10. Formulate district-specific Post MDG indicators and establish WASH baseline

  11. Get support from political parties in WASH implementation

  12. Help to recognize WASH sector in the district periodic plan and in district profile

  13. Promote right based approach, equity and inclusiveness in WASH

  14. Support integration of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction into WASH interventions.


​Nepal-Finland Cooperation


Site updated 1.9.2022

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