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The RWSSP-WN Briefs provide synopsis of various studies, field notes and data that may or may not have been published in other reports and studies related to the project.

January 3, 2018



RWSSP-WN Brief 1-2018 presents the findings from the formative research conducted in Kapilvastu district in Nepal in September 2017. Kapilvastu is one of the last three RWSSP-WN working districts yet to be declared Open Defecation Free (ODF). The aim is to sharpen our approach into Behaviour Change Communications (BCC) related to sanitation in ODF declared areas where there are concerns that the toilets are not fully completed and/or not used.


Click here for the RWSSP-WN Brief 1-2018  Click here for the full report titled "Systematic Approach to Behaviour Change in Sanitation in Kapilvastu district, Nepal"



January 23, 2018


RWSSP-WN Brief 2-2018 outlines the RWSSP-WN's vision and mission with regards to Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM). This is mainstreamed across all results areas, aiming to raise awareness, to break the bloody taboos, and to offer water and sanitation related infrastructure services in such a way that all, including menstruating women and girls, have access to these services.

Click here for RWSSP-WN Brief 2-2018: Menstruation, WASH and RWSSP-WN Position Paper



January 31, 2018


RWSSP-WN Brief 3-2018 presents the Semi-Annual Progress Report for the first half of the fifth Fiscal Year (FY05). It covers the six-month period of Nepali FY2074/075 (July 17, 2017 to January 14, 2018). This report presents the progress of both the municipalities programmes funded through the Municipality WASH Development Funds and the work funded through TA accounts.

Click here for RWSSP-WN Brief 3-2018: Semi-Annual Progress Report FY05


Original April 27, 2018

Updated September 21, 2018


As a continuum of the Millennium Development Goals, the Member States of the United Nations have set the new Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. The Agenda 2030 consists of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under which 169 targets address social, economic and environmental development. As part of the Joint Monitoring Programme, WHO and UNICEF  have defined service level ladder indicators to help in analyzing the SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation. RWSSP-WN Brief 4-2018 reflects the work of RWSSP-WN II in fulfilling the goals of the Agenda 2030 and analyzes the Project results against the JMP criteria.  


Click here for RWSSP-WN Brief 4-2018: RWSSP-WN II & SDGs - Where do we stand? Update July 2018

RWSSP-WN BRIEFs 5-2018, 6-2018, 7-2018, 8-2018

May 28, 2018


On occasion of the International Menstruation Day 2018, we are proud to launch our series of study briefs that stemmed from the Menstruation, WASH and RWSSP-WN - Position Paper, RWSSP-WN Brief 2-2018 (see above). We are grateful for the On-the-Job Trainees from the Kathmandu Training Institute who collected all this data using mobile phones in between February and April, 2018.

Click here for the briefs:

RWSSP-WN Brief 5-2018 : Menstruation & 55 Female Community Health Volunteers
RWSSP-WM Brief 6-2018 : Menstruation & 664 Students
RWSSP-WN Brief 7-2018 : Menstruation & 48 Teachers
RWSSP-WN Brief 8-2018 : Menstruation & 755 Adult women



June 19, 2018


This research Brief was prepared during the Nepal National Sanitation Week 2018, and concludes the series of other briefs that were launched on occasion of the International Menstruation Day 2018 (above). This is to draw attention that having toilets alone is not enough - to get the full benefit in the community, all must also use their toilets, at all times! In this sample of 932 households, all do have toilets but are they used? At all times? By all?

RWSSP-WN Brief 9-2018: Charpi Chha –  there are toilets but are they used? Case 932 households in Western Nepal 


August 1, 2018


Already 39 % of RWSSP-WN II drinking water supply beneficiaries are served by lift schemes. This brief studies the technical aspects and functionality of lift drinking water supply schemes implemented by the Project.



RWSSP-WN Brief 10-2018: Lift water schemes functionality - Learning from 100 schemes


August 15, 2018


RWSSP-WN II is committed to serve the unserved which means that the Project supports people that do not yet have access to improved water supply.  Most Terai inhabitants do already have an access to shallow tube wells but  these are usually considered unimproved due to the risk of bacteriological and arsenic contamination.

This Brief presents findings of recent studies considering various functionality aspects of tube well schemes. The study findings question some of the general assumptions that have guided tube well construction in the Project.


RWSSP-WN Brief 11-2018: Tube well scheme functionality - Learning outcomes of RWSSP-WN II



September 27, 2018


This Brief covers the highlights of the 5th Fiscal Year (FY05) annual progress of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II (RWSSP-WN II). It presents the progress of both the municipality  programs funded through the Municipality WASH Funds and the work funded through the Technical Assistance budget. 



RWSSP-WN Brief 12-2018: Annual Progress Report FY05


October 23, 2018


This Brief explores how RWSSP-WN II answers to the Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction objectives of Finland’s development policy and Sustainable Development Goals and how this shows in the everyday work of RWSSP-WN II.


RWSSP-WN Brief 13-2018: Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in the everyday work of RWSSP-WN


​Nepal-Finland Cooperation


Site updated 1.9.2022

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